Do I have to complete continuing education to renew my South Dakota plumbing license?
Plumbers must complete a minimum of four hours of continuing education related to the plumbing trade including two hours of code before renewing their license.
When is my South Dakota plumber continuing education due?
Plumbers must complete their continuing education by December 31st every year.
Who submits my South Dakota plumber continuing education to the state?
Plumbers Training Institute will submit your courses the business day following course completion.
How do I renew my South Dakota plumbing license?
- Complete the required 4-hours continuing education
- The Plumbing Commission sends out renewal notices the end of September each year
- Licensee’s can either pay by sending in check or money order with their statements of can go to and then to Online payments option, set up an account an pay online
- Provide proof of your continuing education. We submit your continuing education to the state after course completion
What is the renewal fee for my South Dakota plumbing license?
- Plumbing contractor $275;
- Journeyman plumber $105;
- Restricted Plumbing Contractor $110,
- Restricted Journeyman Plumber $55,
- Apprentice plumbers (3rd year) $10.
Who submits my South Dakota plumbing license plumbing course completion?
We submit completion to Licensees can also keep track of their continuing education on the same site.
What happens if I renew my license South Dakota plumbing license late?
All late licenses are deactivated and when they meet their requirements can still renew without penalty through out the year. If they do not renew with in the 12 month’s, i.e.: 12/31/2020, then they have to re-apply and test in order to get their license reactivated.
Who do I contact at the state level with questions about my South Dakota plumbing license?
South Dakota Plumbing Commission
308 S. Pierre Street
c/o 1320 E. Sioux Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
c/o 1320 E. Sioux Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3429
Fax: 605.773.5405
Fax: 605.773.5405
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