Utah Plumber Continuing Education

Renewal Deadline: Licenses expire on November 30th of even-numbered years

Continuing Education: 12 hours of continuing education every two years. A minimum of 8 hours must be core education.

Utah Plumber FAQs

Each course includes an official certificate of completion that you can save for your records. Looking for state reporting information? Learn more here.

State Approved Continuing Education

We provide state-approved courses that meet all of your continuing education requirements. Courses are on demand in HD video and tailored to IPC or UPC codes. Study at your own pace from any internet connected device – 24/7!

Continuing Education Packages

  • 12-Hour Package for Plumbers | Utah
    Product Image Plumbers Training Institute

    This 12-hour package fulfills all continuing education requirements for the 2 year renewal cycle for Utah Plumbers.

    • 2021 IPC Update (Core)
    • Master Plumber Isometrics (Core)
    • OSHA Safety (Core)


“Your courses are inexpensive with an easy to use platform. Much more convenient than taking time off work to go to a live course. I like that I can do it on my own time, very convenient”

Adam, UT

Individual Courses

  • 2021 IPC Update | Utah
    Product Image Uniform Plumbing Code

    8 Hour Text and Audio Course
    Approval #21533, Core

    This course shows Utah plumbers the important changes found in the 2021 edition of the IPC. Topics covered include the integration of ICC A117.1-2017 standards, rooftop solar panel accommodation guidelines, new regulations for multi-user toilet facilities, and techniques for relining sewers.

  • Water Heaters | Utah
    Water Heaters | Utah

    4 Hour Text & Audio Course 
    Approval #22491, Core
    This four-hour course teaches Utah plumbers how to safely operate and maintain residential water heaters. The training program covers several key topics, including general gas and electric unit components, relevant plumbing codes and practical applications for energy conservation.

  • Sanitary Drainage Systems | Utah
    Plumbers Navigate New Challenges During Pandemic

    4 Hour Text & Audio Course
    Approval #22489
    , Core
    This four-hour online course offers plumbing professionals in Utah a comprehensive overview of how to design, install and maintain sanitary drainage systems (SDS) in commercial and residential areas. It also covers the role of grease (F.O.G.) interceptors and tips for ensuring environmental safety.

  • Safety for Plumbers | Utah
    Product Image Construction Health Online Contractor Course

    4 Hour Text & Audio Course 
    Approval #22487
    , Core
    Utah plumbers who take this online course will understand workplace safety standards and learn ways to avoid common risks. The lessons are divided into segments that focus on common workplace hazards, flammable and combustible materials, general workplace safety, physical strains experienced by plumbers, and hazardous substances

  • Confined Spaces in Construction | Utah
    Product Image Confined Spaces

    3 Hour Video Course
    Approval #22125, Core

    This course focuses requirements set forth in the 29 CFR 1926 to protect employees working in confined spaces such as boilers, elevators, manholes, tanks, incinerators, silos, etc.

  • Master Plumber Isometrics | Utah
    Product Image Plumbing Isometrics

    3 Hour Video Course
    Approval #22127, Core

    This course provides plumbers with plans and drawings that require more advanced skills for laying out complicated isometric drawings.  Downloadable drawings are included.

  • Plan Reading | Utah
    Product Image Plan Reading

    1 Hour Video Course
    Approval #22131, Professional

    This course outlines the general layout of both residential and commercial plans, identifying and detailing schedules, legends, symbols and engineering instructions.

  • OSHA Safety | Utah
    Product Image Construction Health Online Contractor Course

    1 Hour Audio Course 
    Approval #22129, Core

    This is a review of the OSHA standards for safety and health of employees based on 29 CFR 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for the Construction Industry. 
